Our spotted history

Our ancestors were among those 1820 settlers that went to Southern Africa. My Grandparents from both sides chose South Africa as their new homeland after both world wars and gold and diamond mining became part of their history too. We feel a strong connection to the mining legacy in Cornwall. It is estimated that 250,000 Cornish migrated between 1861 and 1901. They were Cornish farmers, merchants, and tradespeople but it was the miners that were in the majority by far that went to teach, work, and share alongside our ancestors. Members of our family have played a large part in conservation and all of us love nature.

31 years ago due to apartheid, my parents returned to the motherland - The United Kingdom. My parents abhorred apartheid and the racist divide it caused in South Africa. Leaving Africa was not easy as my Father worked in a successful stationery and print company - Scottish Stationers - founded by my Grandfather, Charles Morris in Durban. Our history of family successfully settling on foreign soil meant my Father returning to the UK with his acquired skills decided to start his own company.

My Mother loved leopard print and we grew up with it adorning our home, clothes/ accessories, etc. Leopard print interiors all over our home made an easy decision to play on the word print and leopard and so Leopard Print was 'born'.Like a leopard never changes its spots we will always be committed to providing a good service, quality products, and competitive pricing.

Here I am 30 years later continuing that long family legacy in my home county of Cornwall. Leopard Print today we stand strong and united and that is with grateful thanks to all our fantastic suppliers and more importantly you - our wonderful customers. Thank you for your continued support. We have formed many friendships along our journey and great collaborations on various projects over the years.

My little leopard cub continues my love of leopard print in the clothes and accessories she has. She joyfully accompanies me in my Leopard Print wrapped car.

Covid-19 has made a mark in history and despite this, we hope to continue going forward and celebrating the next 30 years with all our suppliers and clients.

Stay Safe, show kindness to others and yourself,

Taor x


Flexible Pouch Packaging


Re: Mother Truths “It’s amazing, you’re going to love it”