Re: Mother Truths “It’s amazing, you’re going to love it”

Mother Truths Oct 2nd 2020.jpg

Photo credit - Mother Truths

October 2nd, 2020

I saw this post on Facebook and can relate to it.

I remember it all too well and I know from my Sisters and Mom that breast was best so never ever considered going to formula but boy nobody tells you how hard it actually is to breastfeed. It literally was blood, blisters, anxiety, tears, stress, stressful trying to cover up so people don't think it's odd breastfeeding in public and in the home, breast support ladies helping with latching, back-breaking, posture changing, regular massages needed, lansinoh applying, trying to express but pissing the boobs off as they think your feeding twins so stopped doing that, trying to give bubs the bottle but she would never take to it so a solid 13 months and counting (doing this until she turns 2) - eat-sleep, feed and-repeat.

The hardest job I have ever done and having a little human rely solely on you as a food source is scary, waiting for that poo to come daily, knowing that they are ok. It is one hell of a journey but once you master it and there are no more blisters it's incredible and I would do it all again for sure if I planned to have another, which I don't.

Now I am 13 months in, got the Gold Boobs award but now she comes with teeth which is a whole nother ballgame.

“It's amazing. You're going to love it.”

breastfeeding photo.png

Motherhood Photo shoot, pictured here is me and my baby


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