I am one of the ones that thought I'd be fine, that maybe I was invisible. I was so put off by the big metal speculum I remember seeing from sex education back at school that I was petrified to go for a smear. I got all the letters that you start getting at the age of 25 but I put it off. Finally, I plucked up the courage after friends kept telling me to go and went age 31 in 2016 and it was a piece of piss, walk in the park and they don't use that scary metal tool, they actually use a small plastic beak shaped item. It didn't hurt it was fine and the nurse at my local GP was very friendly and reassured me which made the experience ok. Afterwards, I was like is that it and thought if I had known it wasn't that bad I would have gone so much sooner. ​

Then the letter came through the door (no longer was I invisible) as they found abnormal cells on my cervix and now I have to go back every 6 months for check-ups/ colposcopy and it's an experience I don't look forward to lets put it that way, but it is better to be safe than sorry and nice to know that they are keeping an eye on me so it doesn't turn into cervical cancer.

So please ladies/ parents of young ladies go have a smear done when you first can because none of us want to end up like Jade Goody. This is really important.


Plastic Free Truro


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